How It Works

What You Can Expect During Treatment
Picture this: You'll be lying comfortably back on our cushioned decompression table. As the treatment begins, there is a slow rhythmic pull on your spine. Imagine a sensation of weightlessness, as the pressure lifts off your discs. This gentle action creates a space within your discs, encouraging disc material to retract and re-hydrating degenerative discs, which relieves pressure and discomfort.
And here's the best part—it's not just effective at healing, it's incredibly relaxing. So much so that many of our patients find themselves drifting off into a peaceful slumber! Imagine leaving our office feeling lighter, freer, and more comfortable than you have in ages.
A Non-Invasive Option
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression in Groton CT can help alleviate pain, restore mobility, and revitalize your spinal health, giving you the freedom to live your life to the fullest.
Are you tired of pain pills, anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, cortisone, and epidural injections? Do you think surgery is your only long-term solution?
It’s time to experience the transformative power of non-surgical spinal decompression. Our unique and specialized care doesn’t just temporarily mask your pain, it works with your body to heal itself. Find out if you qualify today!
Spinal Decompression has been proven effective in relieving the pain associated with bulging and herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and even relapse or failed back surgery. Since its release, clinical studies have revealed an amazing success rate in treating lumbar disc related problems.
Take Control of
Your Life Today!
Complimentary Consultation

Front, from left - Dr. Joseph Mascaro D.C.,
Dr. Dan Mascaro D.C.
Back, from left - Dr. Michael Thomas D.C.,
Dr. Matt McNicholas D.C., Dr. Geruso D.C.
Since 2017, Advanced Back and Neck Care Center has been affiliated with Disc Centers of America, a trusted national organization with over 200 doctors around the country that follow specific protocols to maximize the results of disc related conditions. Through DCOA, our healthcare professionals receive specialized training to maximize results in healing disc related conditions conservatively, effectively, and naturally.